• Love God.

    We love God and live all of life in relationship with Him.

    “This is real love — not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.”

    1 John 4:10

  • Love one another.

    We love one another and connect across generations in Christ.

    “Love each other with genuine affection and take delight in honoring each other.”

    Romans 12:10

  • Love our neighbors.

    We love our neighbors and go to others with God’s life-transforming love.

    “May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all.”

    1 Thessalonians 3:12

Concordia Connect

Discover the many ways in which the love of Jesus is alive at Concordia

A list of the many ministries, small groups, Bible studies, and more will be added soon.

At Church

Have you ever wanted to get more involved in worship or ministry? There are so many ways to share the love of Jesus through your God-given talents and interestes.

Small Groups & Bible Studies

Connecting with others who share your faith and common interests is an incredible way to keep the love of Jesus alive!

Special Events & Service to Others

Service to others has always been part of Concordia’s mission and an incredible way to connect! Join us in sharing the love of Jesus in out community and beyond.

Unsure of how to get involved? Contact Deaconess Kristina Paul at kpaul@CKhome.org.

Love Alive

Concordia is alive with the love of Jesus.

On Sunday, November 19, 2023, Pastor Bongard revealed Concordia's new mission, vision, and values. After two years of renewing, growing, and going — we have emerged. Join us as we enter Concordia’s 150th year alive with the love of Jesus!

Get Connected

  • We want visitors and members to feel at home when they come to Concordia. You can help by joining our Welcome Team!

  • Did God gift you with musical talents? We would love to talk with you about the many opportunities to share the love of Jesus through our Worship Arts Team!

  • The love of Jesus is so apparent with our little ones! Our Kids Ministry includes serving in Nursery, Sunday School, and many other ways.

  • Middle and High School students have busy lives and many influences outside the home and church. You can help in engaging youth through small groups, activities, trips, and more!

  • At Concordia, we care for one another. This ministry includes so many ways to share the love of Jesus, including praying for others, home visits, coordinating donation collection, and other caring acts.

  • Serving in Worship is an incredible way to share the love of Jesus! Opportunities include reading scripture, being an Usher, Communion Assistant, and more.

  • Serving a congregation of this size needs facilities to be regularly attended to. In addition to our staff facilities team, we invite for cleaning & organizing, maintenance, as well as seasonal help.

  • Often behind the scenes, our church Administrative Team handles so many tasks to keep things running smoothly so that members can arrive and worship. If you are interested in serving in this area, we would love to chat!

  • From Night to Shine to Vacation Bible School, and many others, Concordia relies on the love of others to make these events possible.