Fall 2024 - Spring 2025
On Wednesday evenings, each grade group meets first (6 to 6:30) with a pastor who teaches the evening’s topic.
6th grade: Pastor Steve Bongard (Senior Pastor, Concordia)
7th grade: Pastor Brandon Larson
8th grade: Pastor Scott Jonas (Glendale Lutheran)
Then from 6:30 to 7:15 the students meet in smaller groups with a trained leader to discuss and process what’s being learned.
All along, our 6th - 8th graders will be given opportunities to serve both in the church and in the community.
9th Grade:
Witness Weekend is October 19/20 (9th graders share a faith statement with the congregation in worship). Youth begin to prepare an individual faith statement at the All Youth Retreat (link here).
The Rite of Confirmation is at 11 am worship on Sunday, October 27. This is a joy-filled moment for our students, their families and guests, and the whole congregation as we celebrate this milestone in their journey of following Jesus!
Questions about 9th grade confirmation? Contact Pastor Brandon Larson, blarson@CKhome.org.
Confirmation for 6th to 8th graders meets on Wednesday evenings from 6 pm to 7:15 pm, September through April.
This year, 2024, we begin on Wednesday, September 11
About Confirmation at Concordia
Parents play the most important role in the faith development of children. Parents bring them to worship, pray with them at home, model Christian living, regularly answer questions about life following Jesus. Confirmation is a way that the church comes alongside parents as they raise children in the Christian faith. Concordia provides a process of helping youth in 6th to 9th grades deepen and grow in their identity as baptized children of God. It concludes in the 9th grade year with a rite of commitment and blessing.
Along the way, our youth will grow in learning the basics of Christian faith, based on the Bible and on Martin Luther’s Small Catechism. In the Small Catechism, Luther presents the basics of faith in question-and-answer form. These basics give a basic framework, or skeleton, on which the whole body of Christian faith is built: The Ten Commandments, the Apostle’s Creed, Baptism, the Lord’s Supper, the Lord’s Prayer, and Confession and Forgiveness.
Students in confirmation also will be engaged in building Christian community. In small groups, they are encouraged to ask further questions, reflect on what they’re learning, and make new friends.
Putting faith into practice through serving is also part of the confirmation process. Students will be given opportunities to serve, both in the church and in the community.
The goal of Confirmation is for the church to help form youth whose faith in Christ is alive and growing, who enjoy being in the Christian community, and who are discovering the joys and struggles of serving our neighbors in the name of Jesus.